Start Feeling Sorry For Yourself

Start Feeling Sorry For Yourself - Self care

THE WAY OUT OF BAD TIMES is to TAKE CARE of YOU and to feel sorry for what you’ve been through. 

SERIOUSLY it’s time to get a simple and yet sophisticated view on self care.  People who have been through traumatic breakdown struggle to take the tiniest of steps in self care.


Well EVERYTHING you have ever known is thrown into disarray.  On a neurological level you become unable to function.

You need help to take the smallest of steps.  It matters less why, and matters more to change any inner brutality into inner care and consideration.

People in disarray can find it impossible to care about themselves let alone for themselves.  I guide people to take steps to caring when they feel least like doing so.

The tiniest actions of self care lead to the bigger leaps in recovery.  Managing to choose something you like to eat however tiny the morsel can help you look after yourself at a deeper level than you can initially imagine.

Feeling sorry for what you’ve been through is mistakenly mixed up with self pity.  Being sorry about what you’ve been through is way more energetic than pity.

Feeling truly sorry for what you have been through gives you an energy to face the challenge to recover.  Pity is the opposite; it is cloying and keeps people still and ineffective.

That’s why I’m a big believer is SELF CARE & CONSIDERATION being your means to recovery and greater times.

I have found that to be the case time and time again.

I’d love to hear your views and experiences – share them with me in the comments box below.


4 thoughts on “Start Feeling Sorry For Yourself”

    1. Anna Pinkerton

      Thank you very much. I am so sorry I did not see your message until now.

      Hope you’re having a good day,

      Kind regards

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