How to believe you will get better

How To Believe You Will Get Better - Recovery from Trauma

Chances are you have been ‘knocked sideways’ by something that was so overwhelming you feel you have been shunted into ‘another World’. 

This is known in the psychotherapy field as trauma.

This can be an accident, an assault, bereavement, sexual assault, a public campaign against you as examples.

You are used to being at the ‘top of your game’, whether that be acting, singing, sport, or business.

This has taken you by surprise; or it has been a building up of stresses that have become too much, and it’s easy to feel like recovery is out of sight.

For people who live in the public eye adversity has an added element of scrutiny, humiliation, and shame. It is this that leads to despair and which prolongs suffering, and prevents people getting the help they need.

Worrying whether you will get through this time simply adds to your worry.  It doesn’t help you at all.  Nothing stays the same!

It is important you reach out for help to family, friends – anyone you feel you can trust.  No matter how awful, with the right support around you, you will recover!

I’d like to share with you some insights from the recovery I’ve seen in the people I’ve worked with, in this free gift.

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